Thursday, August 9, 2018

A tall man driving a 1967 green chevrolet chooses a home in the Chapinero district of Bogota Colombia to abandon an 18 month old girl with nothing but 2 ragged dolls accompanying her….

San Fernando Police Report
Bogota, Colombia
February 26th, 1974

This is some of the information that we just uncovered in a long lost police report dated February 26th, 1974.

Through a Freedom of Information Request (via the USCIS) we were recently mailed a CD with more information than we thought.

This police report from the San Fernando Police Department is a document that we never knew about and the information on it is not exactly what Tara was told.

She was abandoned by her biological mother & father but not in a field - she was dropped off at the front gate of the home of a Mrs Maria Cubides Viuda de Forero in the Chapinero district of Bogota.  Mrs Cubides has since passed on but on that day (lunch time) she was accompanied by her sister and nephew Humberto who is still alive.

With the assistance of our new attorney friend in Bogota (Alvaro) who translated this police report -  we now have much more information to go on than we did before.

We are currently trying to get in touch with Mrs Cubides's family (via Facebook).  There is also an additional document attached to the police report that we are trying to locate.  

Fingers crossed as we are currently making a formal request (in Spanish) to that police department for this missing document!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

🇨🇴Día de la Independencia Colombia🇨🇴

July 20th, 2018

A great day with our Colombian family celebrating Colombia's Independence Day!

 On July 20th, 1810 Colombia got its independence from Spain by its liberator Simon Bolivar!

 We were all there last week on this special day with millions and millions of other very proud Colombians!  After a bus ride I think we walked 10 miles to the parade route! Fun times!

 After the parade our good friend Chelsea (and I) had what we think is some sort of hamburger?  She took 2 bites then threw it way... I ate all mine and lived to tell about it! 🤣

No - Tara was not picking her nose!

Thursday, July 26, 2018


 A-day trip with our Colombiana friends to the beautiful Chicaque National Park & the Cloud Forest!

 A great day as our good friend (and guide) Byron led us on a wonderful hiking adventure through the breath taking Cloud Forest south of Bogota! 

Myself, Tara, Jessica and our new friends/family - Kate, Jennifer, Ashley & Steve adventured through the rocky terrain of this area starting out at 8500' and dropping down to 5000' all the while taking in the beauty of the Colombian mountainside! 

 Walking up-and-down uneven rocks, through streams, and avoiding numerous piles of horse poo we all definitely got in a great workout!

 *After a delicious Colombian lunch we each ziplined through this magnificent place!
